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You are then expected to return to your home country or switch to a different visa category/ a new sponsor if you are to remain in the UK. You will, however, be required to extend your ATAS (if your course requires it), as your ATAS certificate is only valid for an additional 3 months after the course end date on your CAS. You should speak to your department regarding your options and then contact us to get up-to-date visa advice based on your circumstances. You will need to make this Tier 4 application from your home country before starting the new course.

The UKVI will, however, allow you to use this wrap up period to complete your academic extension. If you have a Tier 4 visa it is very important that you understand and abide by your specific visa conditions.

Click on the following links to read about making a Tier 4 application: Warwick | Student immigration | I am a Student | Student Visas (Tier 4), Warwick | Student immigration | I am a Student | CAS, Warwick | Student immigration | I am a Student | Applying for a Tier 4 visa, Warwick | Student immigration | I am a Student | Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), Warwick | Student immigration | I am a Student | Money required for Tier 4 applications, 1st Floor, University House Therefore, if you decide to extend your visa, make sure that you contact us and submit your visa application in good time (we recommend at least 1 month before your visa expiry date). UKVI requirements restrict you to: Your Student Record must be updated (for research students, you must have received a confirmation from the Student Records team that the extension has been approved). Coronavirus (Covid-19): Latest updates and information. A Tier 4 visa's validity period is made up of your course duration, as stated on your CAS, plus a short period at the beginning of the course to enable you to travel to the UK, and a period after the 'course end date' on your CAS known as the 'wrap up period'. A Tier 4 visa issued for full-time degree level studies allows you to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during term-time. You have received an email confirmation from the Student Records team confirming the approval of your academic extension. If you’re from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. You still have course to attend / work to submit / viva to attend. Unfortunately, this change in the Rules from 1 October 2019 will not retro-fit the new work condition for people who already have their Tier 4 leave.
If you decide not to extend your visa because your visa is long enough to cover the extension period, or, if you have decided and have obtained approval from your academic department, to spend your extension period outside of the UK, please remember to submit 'proof of departure' before your visa expiry date so that you do not receive further reminder emails about your visa expiry date. If you are currently overseas and need a new Tier 4 visa to return to the UK to complete the academic extension, please request a Remote CAS online. You can update your cookie preferences at any time.

You may wish to check the university's CAS assignment deadline. Please let us know if you agree to functional, advertising and performance cookies. For advice and assistance in relation to a Tier 4 General Student visa application or appeal, contact our Immigration Barristers in London on 0203 617 9173. The wrap up period is usually 4 or 6 months after your course end date as listed on your CAS if you study a degree course. Eligible students can request, or may be offered a period of Academic Extension, if they are unable to complete their course by the original course end date. You will still follow the permanent withdrawal process as outlined above but for immigration purposes, you will be considered as 'repeating a year'. If you decide to re-start on a different course part way through your first year of studies or at the end of Year 1, ... make a Tier 4 visa application, and travel to the UK before the latest start date of your new course. This does not automatically extend your visa - please see guidance below.

Please contact us so that we can assess your individual situation and advise you accordingly.
About 3 months prior to the start date of your new course, you will be contacted by the Undergraduate Admissions team regarding a CAS to enable you to make a Tier 4 visa application to return to the UK. If you are eligible and decide to make this application within the UK, you must submit the application before your current visa expiry date. This visa has replaced the Tier 4 (General) student visa. You should be aware that you may not be eligible for Tier 4 sponsorship for one or more of the exams. I have a concern about the 5-year cap for UK Tier 4 visas and hoping someone might be able to provide me with some guidance or advice based on my situation. You may wish to check the university's CAS assignment deadline. At the end of your first attempt at Year 1. We use cookies to give you the best online experience.

I have been granted Academic Extension and my student records have been updated. If you decide to re-start on a different course part way through your first year of studies or at the end of Year 1, once you have been accepted onto the new course and completed the re-starting paperwork, you will be permanently withdrawn from your current course and this will be reported to the UKVI. This is a maximum of 20 hours in total in any one week, including paid or unpaid work and for one or more organisation.

It is likely that you will need to use the 'priority service' or 'super priority service' for your visa application if it is available in your home country. Postgraduate Master's students, including taught and research Master's: If an academic extension is granted which involves re-sitting an exam or repeating a module, either in the past or in the future, such as re-submitting a dissertation, you will be permitted to make a Tier 4 visa application either within the UK or outside of the UK for the extension period. It is very important that you understand the consequences of failing a module as this can have a significant impact on whether we are able to provide you with a CAS to extend your visa. It is quite rare but in exceptional circumstances, you may be permitted to re-start on the same course (repeat a year). You must submit a visa extension application while you still have an academic reason to do so. Please visit our 'Re-sit without residence' page for more information. If you are required to re-sit multiple exams with long gaps in between, this will be considered 'resit without residence' and NOT academic extension. If you need to apply for a Tier 4 visa before submitting your thesis for the first time, your course end date on your new CAS will usually include an additional 4-month period after the new thesis submission deadline to enable you to complete your viva. We can vary the restriction in point (ii), but only in. If your Tier 4 visa is issued on or after that date, at the end of your course its work conditions will allow you to start a Tier 2 job as soon as you have made the Tier 2 application. It may be possible to repeat a year as re-sit with residence or to restart on the same course. However, it is important to understand that after a poor performance a Board of Examiners may ask you to withdraw, especially if your attendance has been poor. CV4 8UW, Our Opening Hours You can make a Tier 4 visa application within the UK if: You can also make this Tier 4 application outside of the UK (and after your visa expiry date if you have no other choice), as long as you leave the UK before your current visa expiry date. Coronavirus (Covid-19): Latest updates and information, The extension is to enable you to complete the PhD or other doctoral qualification for which study was undertaken in the last grant of Tier 4 visa, and. University of Warwick

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